Parent/Player Code of Conduct

Parent/Player Code of Conduct

It is the mission of Vortex Volleyball Club to provide a positive, competitive youth volleyball experience for athlete, parent and coach.

We emphasize long term player development of physical, emotional and social skills. While winning is an absolute priority in club volleyball, winning will not be placed above good sportsmanship (defined as respecting rules and procedures set forth above, teammates, coaches, officials, opponents and oneself). It is our goal to create an environment that will benefit the individual as well as the team. 

Your son/daughter has joined an elite, competitive volleyball program. Competitive team athletics, by its very nature, creates situations where everyone may not be happy all the time. Team success is intimately linked to individual success. Each individual will be encouraged to practice a positive mindset towards self and teammates! Each player will fill a necessary role on the team. Although some roles are larger than others, none are insignificant to the overall success of the team. Coaches will discuss and define each role with the individual. Players are encouraged to use practices as an avenue for further developing their skills and expanding their role on the team. Players and parents must understand that the only desire of the coach is to assist the team in reaching its full potential. We can only achieve this by encouraging, acknowledging and supporting each other's efforts in practice, scrimmages and tournaments. Please, know that if we are made aware of any potential abuse towards any athlete we are required to report it to the appropriate authorities.

We are excited about this year's season and look forward to getting to know each of you better! THANK YOU for joining Vortex Volleyball Club!