Amy Strong

Vortex - Amy Strong

Strong Family 24-58


I have played some sort of sport since I was young, but found volleyball in high school, playing varsity 3 of the years I attended. I also played travel club volleyball for 2 of my high school years, traveling out of state to tournaments. 

With my 14 years of experience playing volleyball I started coaching in 2013 for 2 seasons and took a break when I had my first and second babies. 

I started coaching at Vortex in 2021, doing club prep and coaching the girls season. It’s truly one of my favorite things to teach others a sport I love. 

I want all my players to know that with hard work and determination they can do anything, and most of all I want them to grow as individuals and grow their personal abilities. 

The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all